Spring has sprung and the warming energy of the earth is awakening the beauty of rebirth. This means time for a Spring cleaning! This workshop combines the powerful energy of Kundalini yoga with invigorating Sun Salutations to open, cleanse and balance the seven energy centers known as the chakras. The transition from winter to spring is challenging. Cleansing and balancing the chakras helps both the physical and energetic bodies feel lighter and brighter, happier and healthier. We will open class with Kundalini cleansing exercises for each chakra combined with a complimentary sun salutation. Then we will move to the chakra balancing and close with a beautiful chanted meditation to welcome the light and beauty within as well as a deep relaxation to restore peace and harmony to the body, mind and soul. Live acoustic music will accompany this practice. If you haven’t had the opportunity to experience kundalini yoga with Kendell and Rick come check out this amazing workshop. Sign up at the studio calendar.
Date: 4/25/2015
Time:2-4 PM